The Revive Project has used contributions from TM and its partners to build 365 taankas, which are gifted and named for the women of each household. As a Revive Project taanka recipient, Marwat no longer needs to go as far as her local naadi for water, saving her hours of time, anxiety, and the chronic pain of transporting a 25 pound water jug on her head in the desert heat. Furthermore, she now revels in the fact that her family’s taanka is in her name, as all other property legally belongs to her husband. Marwat’s younger daughters are now able to attend school, helping to reduce Rajasthan’s 85% female illiteracy rate. For women like Marwat, the project also funds ongoing professional and vocational arts trainings through 22 self-help groups, allowing them to build relationships with peers, learn new skills, and gain access to micro-loans with a new sense of liberation.
The Revive Project’s social interventions are helping to rewrite the destinies of Marwat and her daughters, along with those of 12,000 senna farmers and their families in the villages of Khidrat, Khan Singh Ki Sid, Sodadhada, Nayagaon, Khara, and Dayakaur. Life is now blossoming with renewed hope and possibilities in these villages.
Read more about the broader scope of the Revive Project’s initiatives here.